Christer Strömholm Post Scriptum
8.6–25.9 2016

Client: Sundsvalls museum, Petter Österlund 

Graphic Design, poster design and exhibition design: Fagerholm Design

PS. (Post Scriptum) är en omfattande retrospektiv över Christer Strömholms
konstnärskap och består avöver 150 fotografier,
både klassiskaoch sällan tidigare visade

PS. (Post Scriptum) is a broad retrospective exhibition of Christer Strömholms artistry
and consists of over 150 photographs, both the classics and the rarely seen.

The exhibition at Sundsvalls museum was produced by:
Petter Österlund & Niklas Fagerholm.

Poster for the exhibition. Printed on Lessebo Linné Naturvit 170gr
Presentation of the exhibition printed on different types of newspaper that slowly changed color during the exhibition.
Old prints, early sketches where reused.
The Poster for the exhibition was used in the exhibition togeteher with words from the presentation of the exhibition,
fragments of typography found in the pictures and clippings from french newspapers.

A poster  was made from one of Christer Strömholms speeches.
Printed on newspaper tha changed color in the sun during the exhibition.

The text about the exhibition was spread out and integrated in the graphics.
The text about the exhibition was spread out and integrated in the graphics.
The text about the exhibition was spread out and integrated in the graphics.
Typography and letters found in the pictures where isolated ad printed on plaster and used in the exhibition.
Typography and letters found in the pictures where isolated ad printed on plaster and used in the exhibition.
Typography and letters found in the pictures where isolated ad printed on plaster and used in the exhibition.
Typography and letters found in the pictures where isolated ad printed on plaster and used in the exhibition.
Typography and letters found in the pictures where isolated ad printed on plaster and used in the exhibition.
Typography and letters found in the pictures where isolated ad printed on plaster and used in the exhibition.
The banner for the exhibition
The text about the exhibition.
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