Alnö Kaffehus Corporate Identity,
Renaming Subbrands, Packaging Design and Webbdesign

Graphic Design, copy and photo: Fagerholm Design
Client: Alnö Kaffehus
Description: Redesign of corporate Identity and new Labels for local Coffee Brand Alnö Kaffehus.
New names for the subbrands. NorrlandsBrygg, Norrlands Kok, Norrlands Rost. 

The idea is to, through autentic storytelling, inspire discussions around the coffee table about important topics
the region of Norrland needs to adress in order to create a sustainable and prosperous future.
The date is applied manually with a stamp after packaging the freshly roasted coffee.

Website Start Page
Website Norrland Link – Visual storytelling about topics important to the region of Norrland
Retailer Link – A photo book showing the different retailers where you can buy the coffee.
Retailer Link – A photo book showing the different retailers where you can buy the coffee.
Retailer Link – A photo book showing the different retailers where you can buy the coffee.
Retailer Link – A photo book showing the different retailers where you can buy the coffee.
Retailer Link – A photo book showing the different retailers where you can buy the coffee.
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